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Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Below is the summary of wwe nxt redemption for August, 23:-

-It's time for the twenty-fifth week of NXT Redemption! The opening titles roll, and commentators Todd Grisham and William Regal welcome us from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

 -Matt Striker is in the ring, and he welcomes the crowd to the show. Darren Young's music hits and out he comes with a mic to interrupt. He says every week he makes this show a joke, and it makes him sick. And he's sick of Striker and his face. Darren starts talking smack about beating him for two weeks in a row, then tells Striker to get out of the ring. Striker says that Darren's right, he can't beat Darren Young, but Darren says that's not good enough. Darren says that Striker needs to say that he's the best, and that he's Mr. No Days Off. Striker says that he's the better man and asks if we can move on. Striker says that for the last few years, Darren's been in the gym two times a day, while Striker's been on the beach listening to Rush and watching hockey (which gets a pop from the Canadian crowd). Striker says that he's the better man, and asks if they can move on. Striker goes for a handshake, which Darren accepts. Darren then kicks Striker in the gut and takes him down with a clothesline. He tries to continue the assault, but he's taken down by William Regal. Regal throws Darren out of the ring to a nice pop.

 -Tyson Kidd gets a hometown pop as he prepares for action backstage.


 -Tyson Kidd comes out to a nice pop while William Regal talks about how Darren Young's been disrespectful since he got here. Trent Barreta's out next to face Kidd.

Match #1: Tyson Kidd vs. Trent Barreta

 -They lock up as Tyson Kidd chants start. Tyson gets a back takedown, but Trent gets a hip toss takedown shortly after. Tyson whips Trent and they run the ropes, both hopping over the other in succession. The audience cheers and Tyson himself claps. Trent then applies a wristlock, but Tyson jumps to the top rope and backflips off into a arm drag. Tyson then applies a grounded wristlock, but Trent gets to his feet. Tyson hits the rope and hits a clothesline. He runs the ropes again but gets caught by a back elbow strike from Trent. Trent gets a two-count. Trent has Tyson in the corner, and hits a Flair chop. Trent gets whipped to the other corner, but when Tyson charges, Trent gets his feet up to Tyson's shoulders and hits a stomp very similar to Kaval's double stomp. Trent tries for a scoop slam but Tyson flips over him. Trent once again takes control with a vertical suplex for a two-count. Trent hits the ropes but Tyson gets up and hits a heel kick. Tyson then rolls out to the apron and goes for a springboard splash, but Trent gets up and hits a dropkick on Tyson in mid-air. Trent goes for the pin attempt and gets a two-count as we go to commercial


 -Trent is in control with a grounded headlock. A Tyson Kidd chant is willing Tyson up to his feet. Tyson gets up and hits a snapmare, falling into the corner. Trent quickly takes control with a splash in the corner, which sends Tyson to the outside. Barreta goes for a baseball slide but Tyson catches his legs, flips him around, kicks him in the face, and hits a spinning neckbreaker DDT to the outside. Very impressive sequence. Tyson throws Trent into the ring and gets a two-count. Tyson hits a running dropkick for yet another two-count. Tyson gets Barreta hung up in the ropes and flings Trent up neck-first into the middle rope. Tyson jumps over the top rope and drops a leg on Barreta's head. Barreta gets onto the apron and hits his whisper in the wind-esque corkscrew flip onto Tyson. Yet another very impressive move. Trent gets Tyson in the ring and gets a two-count. Barreta puts Tyson on the top turnbuckle and hits a chop to Tyson's chest. Trent gets up to the top rope himself, going for a superplex. Tyson fights out, drops to the apron, and kicks Trent's leg, hanging him up where it hurts. Tyson hits a frankensteiner, but Trent rolls through. Tyson reverses into a sharpshooter, but Trent reverses back into another roll-up for an incredibly close two-count. Both men hit clotheslines on one another, and both men slowly get up. Trent hits his single leg dropkick for a two-count. Trent then goes for his tornado DDT, but Tyson reverses it into his half-Boston crab. Regal says that Lance Storm is in the audience, and taught Tyson that move. Trent finally makes it to the ropes. Oriental music plays all of a sudden and another Japanese character appears on the tron. Tyson gets distracted and Trent takes advantage with a rope-assisted tornado DDT for the three-count. Excellent match from these two.

Winner: Trent Barreta


 -There is a recap of last week of Derrick Bateman insulting Titus O'Neil and Hornswoggle. They both leave the ring, leaving AJ in the ring. Maxine then returns, attacking AJ.

 -Bateman is rubbing Maxine's shoulders and saying that they'll be a more powerful couple than Triple H & Stephanie. Maxine says that first they need to get rid of that troll and AJ. Derrick says not to worry, he has a surprise for her later tonight.

 -AJ makes her way out to the ring with Hornswoggle.


 -Maxine makes her way to the ring to her own music, accompanied by Derrick Bateman.

Match #2: AJ vs. Maxine

 -AJ takes control with a tackle and slams Maxine's head into the corner repeatedly. AJ hits the ropes and hits a running clothesline, knocking Maxine out of the ring. Maxine starts complaining to Bateman, and AJ takes control with a strike to the back. AJ gets back into the ring, but Maxine takes control with a big boot for a two-count. Maxine applies a rear chinlock. Maxine drops some elbows onto AJ's shoulder and re-applies the chinlock. AJ gets to her feet and fights out. She hits the ropes, but gets caught with a big knee to the face by Maxine, which gets another two-count. Maxine slams AJ's head against the mat and wrenches her head back. She throws AJ into the corner and hits a vertical suplex. She chokes AJ on the second rope until the referee breaks it up, then she chokes AJ on the bottom rope. Maxine attempts a suplex, but AJ turns it into a small package for a two-count. Maxine re-applies her chinlock, eventually picking up AJ and hitting her with a European uppercut. She whips AJ and hits her with a big boot. She picks AJ up again, but this time AJ fights out with a number of strikes, a spinning wheel kick, and a running clothesline. She runs up to the second turnbuckle and hits a cross-body for two. Meanwhile, Derrick Bateman walks over to Hornswoggle and pushes him down. AJ goes over to stop him and Maxine rolls her up for the three-count.

Winner: Maxine

 -Titus O'Neil runs out and scares Maxine and Derrick Bateman out of the ring before they have time to celebrate. Hornswoggle's music plays as the faces stand tall in the ring.

 -The rest of NXT is a Raw Rebound covering the #1 Contender's match between John Cena & CM Punk last night, so that's all for this week's NXT Redemption. Thanks for reading.

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